
Alumna Publishes Memoir of Life with Cats

Cover of Leah Alford's book Catwoods with a black cat looking directly at viewer.Our Alumni Spotlight Series focuses on UA art alumni who are in the midst of an art career now, whether they are continuing with schooling or have taken their art skills out into the work world.

Artist and writer Leah Alford (BA, 1971, English major, art history minor) has published a memoir about life in the woods with her husband and a long line of companion cats, Catwoods, Stories and Studies of Our Feline Companions. It’s a story about Alford’s life in the local culture around West Alabama, as well as a highly-researched book about cats and their lives.

Diagnosed with a rare chronic and debilitating disease two decades ago and not able to paint as she had in the past, Alford began to focus on her writing and photography. “Being home most days and surrounded by domestic cats, I began writing a cat book,” she said. The book offers a unique and inviting window into country living and adventures with husband, feline and human friends, as well as a few wild animals.

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