Art History

Art History

Degree Programs

The Department of Art and Art History
offers two degree programs in art history:

Subject Areas


Undergraduate students can take courses in the following areas:

  • AncientArt and Art History students and faculty stand before the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Toledo.
  • Asian
  • Medieval
  • Early Modern (Renaissance/Baroque)
  • American (includes African American)
  • Nineteenth Century
  • Modern/Contemporary


Graduate students can take courses in these periods:"Presenting the Paul R. Jones Collection" with Collections Manager Emily Bibb and Dr. Lucy Curzon, associate professor of art history and Director of Education and Outreach, Paul R. Jones Collection of American Art at The University of Alabama, at AAEA 2018.

  • Asian
  • Medieval
  • Early Modern (Renaissance and Baroque)
  • American (includes African American)
  • Nineteenth Century
  • Modern/Contemporary

Meet some of our grad students.

Art History Faculty

Art History InstructorsGraduate student in art history Reed O’Mara studies a reproduction of the Uta Codex in the rooms of the Price Collection in Garland Hall.

Paul R. Jones Museum Hosts Yvonne Wells Solo Exhibition

The Paul R. Jones Museum is pleased to present the exhibition Picture This: The Story Quilts of Yvonne Wells from August 2 through September 27, 2024. The exhibition is being

UA Art Historian Visits Notre Dame’s New Spire After Contributing to Its Renovation

Associate Professor Dr. Jennifer Feltman flew to Paris in April to participate in the Colloquium of the Chantier scientifique de Notre-Dame and presented her research poster, “Modélisation de la polychromie

UA Art Historian Visits Notre-Dame’s Reconstructed Spire

Faculty research continued nationally and internationally this spring. Associate professor of art history Dr. Jennifer Feltman presented a public lecture, “Rebuilding Notre-Dame: Five Years of Restoration and Discovery,” in Orlando,