
Flow Tuscaloosa Calls for Volunteers

Assistant Professor Jamey Grimes and Assistant Professor Julia Brock (history) announced that their NEA-funded community project Flow Tuscaloosa is returning in 2024 with several exciting events and is putting out a call for volunteers for those events. Grimes and Brock will hold an informational and organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center, 620 Greensboro Avenue, Tuscaloosa. Refreshments including pizza will be served.

Flow Tuscaloosa celebrates the many ways that communities share their local waterways and held art exhibitions, paper lantern-making workshops, a lantern parade and other events celebrating the environment.

The organizers have planned a number of events leading up to Friday, April 20, 2024. They plan to hold at least three paper lantern-making workshops, a sunset gathering at Hurricane Creek Park (April 19), and participate in the Friends of Hurricane Creek Cleanup Day (April 20). The paper lanterns will be on display during the Tuscaloosa Riverwalk Walking Lantern Parade on the evening of April 20.

“If you would like to help us, please consider becoming a Flow Tuscaloosa volunteer,” said Jamey Grimes, who led many of the Flow Tuscaloosa activities in 2022. “We have multiple opportunities for anyone interested to find their path to join our team.”

Grimes urged anyone interested to come to the March 5th meeting to find out more about volunteer activities. They may include managing information tables, sharing planned stories at evening events, assisting with the Hurricane Creek Clean-up, and more, Grimes said. “Opportunities to help are nearly limitless- join us for some pizza, and find out what strikes your interest! No commitment is required to attend. Registration is requested to help with pizza planning, but it’s OK to just show up. We hope to see you there!”

Click here to register:

For more information on Flow Tuscaloosa’s project history and upcoming events:

Flow Tuscaloosa Lantern Workshop, DWCAC

Flow Tuscaloosa is made possible through generous contributions and support from multiple partners. The University of Alabama support comes from: CARI (Collaborative Arts Research Initiative); the departments of history, art and art history and geography; Alabama Water Institute, Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum and UA Museums, and the Paul R. Jones Museum. Major funding support has come from the National Endowment for the Arts, Alabama Humanities Alliance and the Alabama State Council on the Arts. Many additional partners are not listed here – please visit our website to learn more about our project and partners.

Image credit: Light display by Jamey Grimes. Image courtesy of Xabier Granja.

For more information about The University of Alabama’s programs in studio art and art history, visit our Degree Programs page.