
UA Art Historian Visits Notre-Dame’s Reconstructed Spire

Newly reconstructed spire of Notre-Dame de Paris, April 21, 2024. Photo courtesy Dr. Jennifer Feltman.

Faculty research continued nationally and internationally this spring. Associate professor of art history Dr. Jennifer Feltman presented a public lecture, “Rebuilding Notre-Dame: Five Years of Restoration and Discovery,” in Orlando, Florida, for UCF (University of Central Florida) Celebrates the Arts and the UCF Global Perspectives and International Initiatives. Feltman flew to Paris to participate in the Colloquium of the Chantier scientifique de Notre-Dame and presented her research poster, “Modélisation de la polychromie du portail central.” As a member of Chantier scientifique de Notre Dame, the research group authorized by the French Ministry of Culture – CNRS to study the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris as it is being restored, Feltman met with her research team and viewed the new restorations to the cathedral, including its newly reconstructed spire.

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