
Ceramics Professor Awarded South Arts Career Grant

Wade F. MacDonald, “Tall Fracture Vases,” 2023, porcelain, underglazes, glaze fired to cone 5, 13.5 x 4.5 x 4 inches. Image courtesy of the artist.

Assistant Professor Wade MacDonald was awarded a South Arts Career Opportunity Grant in May and will use the funds to attend an invitational artist residency, “Digital Clay,” at Watershed Center for Ceramic Art in June. This residency, the first of its kind, will bring together thirty ceramic artists from around the US who are developing and implementing digital approaches to clay. MacDonald said, “I don’t think anything like this has happened before, at least not on this scale. It promises to be a very exciting experience filled with education and collaboration.”

As a ceramic sculptor, MacDonald explores the intersection of ceramics, digital fabrication, furniture design and architecture. He and his work have been profiled in American Craft Magazine and he received the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) Emerging Artist Award.

For more information about The University of Alabama’s programs in studio art and art history, visit our Degree Programs page.