
UA Art Historians to Host National Graduate Student Conference

The Department of Art and Art History is pleased to host the 24th Annual Graduate Student Symposium in Art History on March 1, 2019, in the Bryant Conference Center on UA campus. Dr. Catherine Zuromskis, associate professor of fine art at RIT, will present the keynote address at 4:15 p.m., titled, “Feeling History: Evidence, Affect, and the Visual Culture of the Kennedy Assassination.”

Poster for the 24th Annual Graduate Symposium in Art History at UA.The symposium, a shared production of the departments of art and art history at The University of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will take place this year at the Bryant Conference Center on UA’s campus.

Students from colleges and universities around the country will participate in the conference, as graduate research presenters and in undergraduate research poster presentations. Along with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and UA, schools represented are Columbus State University (Columbus, Ga.), Florida State University (Tallahassee), Savannah College of Art and Design, University of Kentucky (Lexington), University of Missouri (Columbia), University of Montevallo (Montevallo, Ala.), University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minn.) and University of West Florida (Pensacola).

This year’s symposium is generously supported by The Graduate School; Dr. Robert Olin, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences; Dr. Tricia McElroy, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences; Blount Scholars Program; New College; Department of Art and Art History; College of Continuing Studies; Harrison Galleries, LLC; Department of Modern Languages & Classics; and the Department of American Studies, of The University of Alabama.

About the symposium: The Annual Graduate Student Symposium in Art History, sponsored and shared by the departments of art and art history at The University of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, alternates campuses each year. In addition to presentations from graduate students from multiple institutions, the symposium also features poster presentations from undergraduate researchers. The symposium was begun in 1995 by faculty on both campuses to bring their students together to hear and be heard by eminent scholars working in the field of art history. Renowned scholars such as Paul Barolsky in the field of Italian Renaissance art, Allison Kettering in the field of Dutch Baroque art, and young, up-and-coming scholars like Michael Yonan, Krista Thompson, and Graham Boettcher, now director of the Birmingham Museum of Art, have been keynote speakers.

The Joint Program for the M.A. in Art History began in 1987 between The University of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The Joint Program offered the first, and still the only, graduate degree in art history in the state of Alabama.

For more information, contact: Dr. Lucy Curzon,, (205) 348-6458.